Saturday, June 23, 2007

6 mile "long" run

Real creative title today. This morning, I met with my marathon running group for our second run - this one 6 miles. I ended up getting separated from Jodi at the beginning of the run. We were each in conversation with other people and planned on catching up with each other. I thought she was ahead of me, but she actually stopped to tie her shoe and I ran past. She was a bit behind when she was together and just ran with another group.

I did end up running with two other girls and we chat the whole way. We ran the 6 mile out and back at a 9/9:30 pace, which is really good for me for that distance. Plus, it was pretty hilly. As it was an out and back, we got to take advantage of those downhills, though! I was definitely hurting on the uphill and would have most certainly stopped to walk or at least slowed down had I been alone. Best part of running with other people = peer pressure! Although I said in my last post that we were aiming to add two miles on, it just wasn't happening! Not even discussed!

The coaches gave us our entire schedule today and it looks like we're following Hal Higdon's. Next week we have our 7 mile run. I'm gonna aim for 3 runs during the week and try to bring my mileage up a bit. Right now I'm at only about 15 miles - I'd like to up it to 20 over the next few weeks.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Trail Running around the Reservoir

I've been on a couple runs since my last post. The first on WEdnesday night with my friend, Holly. It was our first run together, so there's always the question of whether we'd be compatible runners. Regardless of all that, I knew it would be nice for us to catch up and chat. We decided to run one 3.7 mile loop at Reservoir 6, off Rt. 44. The trail is completely unpaved, but still well-maintained. This is important for a clumsy goof like myself who rolls her ankles way too often.

We started off and I quickly realized Holly's pace was probably a minute + faster than my comfortable pace. I ran the first mile pushing through, but it was killing me. I asked to hang back a bit, to probably a 9 minute - 9:30 minute pace. This still felt fast as the trail was pretty hilly and not packed down in all places. The run was definitely kicking my ass. Holly, of course, was barely breathing hard!

Overall, a great run! I've grown pretty good pushing myself with distance, but not so much with speed, so this was just what I needed. We're going to make it a weekly date, too, so hopefully it will help in the long term. I've been sore since the run, but that still didn't stop me from running my usual 3+ with Christina on Thursday morning.

Tomorrow morning, I'm meeting in Glastonbury for our running group. I think we're scheduled for 6, but Jodi and I are striving for 8. We'll see how that all goes down!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

First Training Run

Saturday was my first run with my new training group. We started EARLY on Saturday morning - I woke up earlier than I do for work! I know I'll be thankful in a month or two when it's sweltering by 8am when I would normally get my butt in gear for a long run.

The running group seems like it's going to make training a lot more enjoyable - lots of young people to chat, some experienced coaches, and having to commit to a time and place for long runs. Also, my friend, Jodi, is running, so it will be like built in QT for us.

We did a 5 mile out and back, which flew by. We ran in the front of the second back, which isn't too bad for me, finishing up around 9 minutes / mile. Not too shabby.

This morning, I met up with another running buddy for a 3+ mile jog around Elizabeth Park. I'm already itching for my next run, quite uncommon for me.


Friday, June 15, 2007

NYC Marathon - Take 2

It's official - I'm in for year number two. Last year, I lucked out with the lottery. This year I took a different approach and am running for charity. Tomorrow's my first day of running with my training group. I think I'll benefit from training with a group, not only for camaraderie, but because the group chooses the routes and gives a map, provides water along the training route, but also because I'll be pushed more to increase my speed.

Last year my goal was just to cross thatfinish line, but I'd like to take a half hour or so off my time this year. Wish me luck!

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